Friday, July 25, 2008

Shake It Sacred Baby!

We are building a real community --- based on our commonalities and unity. Join us August 28, 2008 in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn 11205 for inspiring words and dance that honors the sacred baby in you!

Attract Happiness Now!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Welcome & Agenda
June 17, 2008
A great big welcome to the Happiness Attraction newsletter! We're happy to have you as part of our community...

As you are reading this, I'm remembering the wonderful time I had sharing a beach front house with my sister and her family and some friends from high school. It was a real treat to be able to enjoy some rest and relaxation with these good people in such a beautiful setting. Here's a photo of my niece and I sharing a laugh there. That said, I am mentally getting prepared for our first Sacred Baby Praise and Dance Party later this month (see the Events section at the end of this newsletter}.

The SACRED BABY PRAISE AND DANCE PARTY in New York is filling up! It's less than two weeks away and there are a few spaces left. If you've been thinking about trying this Happiness Attraction SystemTM thing but weren't sure if you were ready to dive into the whole program yet, well, this is your chance. In one evening (Thursday, June 26th from 6-8pm in Greenwich Village, New York), I will be giving you all the secrets of the Happiness Attraction SystemTM, step by step. Oh, and by the way, you will have the opportunity to dance to the most joyful music ever! And it is ABSOLUTELY FREE! Space is filling up, so don't miss out. RSVP today! You'll regret not being there.

Until then,
May happiness be yours, easily and effortlessly!

Kim Kirkley

Accepting your good!
As happy as I look in that picture above, at first I did not want to be there. I had a lot of reasons, one of them was pretty convincing. It is wedding season so I should be working. But, my sister and brother-in-law convinced me to go. I would be welcomed and needed -- with me there they could get some well deserved couple time. So, I went with my laptop and plenty of work. Then something happened. I began to enjoy myself. I worked a couple of hours everyday but being there with them was fun and it became a real vacation -- just what I needed. I couldn't see it as a gift until I experienced it. This was a great reminder to me. Life is about experiences. You can't have too many easy going days with the people you love. Work always gets done. 6 days with my 13 month old niece as she discovers the wonder of seashells and sand will only happen once in a lifetime.

Your Happiness Attraction Assignment:
Your turn. Are you missing an experience of a lifetime, because you have let work or other commitments overwhelm your life? End the martyrdom now! : ) Commit to an activity with a loved one NOW! Even better, make it a habit. You will find that everything will get done and you will return from that outing feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. (If you want to use me as an accountability benchmark, then send me an e-mail with the date of the activity. I'll keep you accountable.)

Attract Your Happiness Now!
Kim Kirkley


Sacred Baby Praise & Dance Party
As part of the Happiness Attraction System we offer praise! After the Cliff Notes version of the entire proven Happiness Attraction SystemTM, we will reinforce the principles by dancing (free-style) to positive house music -- think Paradise Garage with a life affirming theme. You will walk out feeling better than when you entered and more positive about your life!

Once you rsvp by emailing Kim ( the number of people in your party, you will recieve all of the details and directions.

Do you believe your ceremony is the most important part of your wedding day?

Do you feel that the words recited during your ceremony set the tone for the day and the grand adventure to come?

Are you struggling to find the right person to officiate?

As a "Modern Bride Trendsetter," Celebrant and interfaith minister, who has pronounced more than 300 grooms and brides "husband and wife," I delight in crafting a wedding ceremony that sounds and feels like you -- encompassing your beliefs and values, as well as heralding the grand adventure that awaits! These are the moments the two of you, as well as, your family and friends will cherish forever.

Give me a call (718.753.1993) or send an email to so that we may discuss your elegant, personalized wedding ceremony.

Upcoming Events
THURSDAY, JUNE 26 from 6 - 8pm
Greenwich Village
New York, NY

After you rsvp, we will email you the exact location and directions.
Managing Your Subscription
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Contact Information
The Happiness Attraction SystemTM Newletter is written by Kim Kirkley. If you have any questions or comments please send them to:

Copyright 2008 Kim Kirkley, The Happiness Attraction SystemTM